What's happening with KorGE 14th March 2024
What's happening with KorGE 14th Mar 2024:
- Jobe, explained how to setup KorGE Fleks ECS in his stream in a twitch highlight: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2084989558?sr=a
- Drestin created an awesome innovative game for the #7DRL Game JAM: Pictomancer. https://drestin.itch.io/pictomancer-7drl-2024, he also opensourced it: https://gitlab.com/drestin-games/7drl-2024
- We have finished splitting all the libraries into separate modules again.
- Also started experimenting with Amper to publish all the libraries that are not korge itself. The initial experiment is here: https://github.com/korlibs/korge-korlibs