What's Happening with KorGe 8th March 2024

yggdrasil-io started to work on a WebGPU rendering implementation. Initially working on SDL, then on Compose Desktop.

We managed to do some fixes to support multiple 3D scenes on the screen at the same time, doing proper clipping and transformations to support that.

holloszaboakos has continued working on the korge-foundation split, now korlibs-util and korlibs-memory are separated.

On korge's side, we are now publishing weekly What's happening with KorGE sections on the blog, linkedin, facebook and instagram. We have now an instagram page: https://instagram.korge.org/

We have also released KorGE 5.4.0 with a higely improved and fixed TileMap. Now there is a TileMapData class and a Tile class that can handle tiles. It supports sparse (huge maps with chunks of maps) and stacked maps (multiple tiles per cell). Now the Tile class allows to create tiles from the ID, SliceOrientation (rotation and flips) and offsets. Now wrapping a Long, we can pack long offsets if required without loss. We have also fixed a few issues regarding tiles generation that were cropped in some cases. We have also fixed a few YAML issues too and exposed korlibs-serialization-yaml. A dependency-less simple yaml parser.

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