Winners of the 1st KorGE gamejam

We are happy to announce the winners of the first KorGE gamejam.

1st (300 € & 1 year JetBrains All product license) - Parasite

For its overall completeness and a sense of classics. It reflected the jam theme very well and rounded it up with nice effects, good controls and great sounds. The gameplay is the best overall.

Parasite's page

2nd (150 €) - A classic snake game?

Actually being three games in one with three classic references. The visuals are great. The overall feel of the game is very good and creates the motivation to finish it. The controls (especially in the mario land) sometimes feel a bit unintuitive and the overall level of polishment is a bit behind the first place.

Programming: D. Berbegall & Adrian Guevara Alonso
Art: Hermes Escriva Serra
A classic snake game? page

3rd (50 €) - Dungeon

The fog of war feature with raycasting and the classic Zelda/RPG feel make it a worthy third place. The replay motivation is quite low after a few tries, which among other reasons prevented this game from placing better.

Dungeon's page

Special prize (50 €) - RoguyIsleMaze

Although the game RoguyIsleMaze by Tobse did not tickle our classics nerves as much as the other submissions, we really appreciate coding expertise the author put into it. Especially it being multiplayer, made us introduce a special prize for this work. The author receives a 50 € Amazon gift card.

Play RoguyIsleMaze here
Authors of the games, please contact us, so we could send you your awards.

soywiz Author of KorGE.
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